The stairs has long been a source of potential danger for humans and those that are mobility challenged, like sufferers of osteoarthritis, are at increased risk. To help reduce this risk there are several things that can be done by the stair user.
One of the most important things to remember is that it is important to pay attention when you are climbing up and down the stairs Stairs can come in different shapes and sizes, so it is important to pay attention to the width and depth of the steps. It has been shown that a major factor in many stair accidents is as a result of the person on the stairs being distracted by environmental factors. It is important to maintain a well lit stairway and to pay attention as you ascend or descend the stairs.
It is also essential that you keep the stairs clear of obstacles that could obstruct your travel up and down the stairs It is easy to set something down on the stairs but this moment or two that you save can easily result in an accidental fall and injury. It is essential that you do not place objects on the stairs or use it as a storage area.
While generally those who are younger are less likely to hurt themselves on the stairs many accidents among children are as a result of playing on the stairs The stairs should not be used as a jungle gym or as a play area. They are not meant to run up or slid down and while this might sound appealing to a young child, it can quickly end in tragedy. If you have small children than a safety gate should be used at the top and bottom of the stairs.
Among those over the age of sixty-five stairs also present a very big health risk. This is frequently as a result of mobility related diseases, but a decreased sense of balance is also often a factor. If you or a loved one is unsteady on the stairs then it is important that you are extremely careful. Many people choose to install a stair lift to help promote stair safety. A stair lift can carry an individual up and down the stairs in a safe manner.
Usually stair lifts present the best option by retaining the ability to access all areas of a home. This is because when you rely on someone's help to climb up the stairs you are decreasing your risk of falling, but increasing their risk of falling. The other option of simply not using the areas of a home that require stairs access is usually not practical.
Stairs are an essential part of most homes and are also generally the most dangerous place of a home. If you live in a home that has stairs it is important to always pay attention when climbing the stairs It is also important to teach any children that use the stairs to be careful and not use them as a play toy. If you are at all unsteady on the stairs as might be the case of those effected by injury or illness, a stair lifting aid, like a stair lift, might be a good option.
Brad Brubaker is a writer who is familiar with stair lifts and other aids to daily living. A stair lift is can greatly help to reduce the risk of injury that is often the result of a fall. You can find out more information about stair lifts by visiting US Medical Supplies.
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